Merry Christmas from the Morehouses!

We enjoy sharing our lives with you at the end of the year because it gives us a chance to review the Lord’s blessings and reconnect with friends over the miles. Here’s an update about what each one of us has been doing in 2010:

Joel finished the school year teaching English and History at Finney High School and took a new position this fall teaching Music half time and English/History half time at the John Bosco School in Fairport. He started another big project this fall when he bought a fix-me-up house in the city that had been converted to a duplex and is now in full swing restoring it to a single while living on the second floor. Several Saabs have been converted into one Saab 900 convertible plus a vintage pickup truck for hauling house parts.

Johanna is enjoying married life with Asa, raising our granddaughter Zoya, and working full-time as a Counselor and Art Therapist with troubled young people and their families through the SPCC. She and Asa have just purchased a 19th century home in downtown Palmyra and will be moving in at the turn of the year. Zoya is in the 2nd grade this year and is anticipating changing schools next month with mixed feelings: her new school is only half a block’s walk from their new home and she’ll be meeting new friends, but the move will mean leaving close friends in Brighton and times after school with Nana behind. 

Nate and Kari are completing their second year in Tours, France, where Nate is working diligently on his post-doctoral research (butterflies, of course) and applying for a faculty position back in the States for the coming academic year. Kari is doing some freelance work in environmental science and devoting herself to raising our delightfully energetic granddaughter Coral. Getting around Europe and attaining a measure of fluency in French have been side benefits.

Sarah met the man of her dreams and became Mrs. Carl Teichert this August in a wonderful outdoor ceremony in Rochester’s Durand Eastman Park. Extended family on both sides came, celebrated, and sent the new couple off to begin their new life together in Brick, NJ. Sarah left her Art Director position at Mirror Show Management behind and is now doing full time art direction for an agency in Princeton, NJ. 

Susan has been thoroughly enjoying her time being Nana to our two lovely granddaughters and playing her harp in a variety of settings throughout the area. She’s also been more active in leadership with the Arnett Block Association and as a volunteer with our local library. She calls and visits Dad Lowry often in his patio home at the Cloverwood adult living complex in Pittsford, where he’s made a lot of new friends and has just completed a wedding table project for Sarah and Carl in his woodworking shop.

Bill is still very busy delivering babies, making hospital rounds, and seeing patients at Grace Family Medicine on the west side and Joy Family Medicine on the east side, as well as providing support for the ministries and staff of His Branches. However, his callings as hubby, brother, Uncle, Dad, Grampy, and friend continue to provide his deepest rewards. He and Susan have remained committed to spending a day a week together, a practice that has always been a source of joy, invigoration, and support for both.

We appreciate our family and friends, our spiritual family at Joy Community Church, the wonderful Board and staff that support us (, our health, and the Abundant Life we have in Christ more with each passing year. Let’s be in closer touch in 2011! Until then, check out the pictures we’ve posted. 


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