

Schedule of Events

  • 6/4-6/10  -  Training Week for both Teams starting at Noon in the Rinker Center.  Schedule will be given at that time.
  • 6/11-6/14  - Individual Planning / Rehearsal Days
  • 6/16- 21 --Black Hills (Ashley's )
  • 6/22-27- Camp Hough, Silver Lake, NY (Ashley's)
  • 6/28 - Help Kristie Move (Ashley's)
  • 6/15, 6/18 - (Tentative), Monongahalea FMC (Andrew's)
  • 6/21-26 - Summer Grove (Andrew's)
  • 6/27-29 - Maple Grove Retreat (Andrew's)
  • 6/30- 7/1 - RWConnection (Ashley's and Andrew's)

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2301 Westside Drive
Rochester, NY 14624